Old Age Related Accidents
People are staying active longer in life than ever before. Not only that, but people are healthier longer than previous years. In years gone by, people tended to live in serious, steadily debilitation health during the last few years of their lives. That is no longer the case. With so many people living longer, healthier lives than ever before in human history, there are more elderly people on the roads as well. For the most part, people stay alert and able to drive well into their golden years and when they no longer can a family member helps hem deal with it. Sometimes, unfortunately, an elderly person with dementia or other age related malady will get behind the wheel and cause an accident.
There are over 40 million licensed adults over the age of 65. Older drivers can also be a great danger to themselves on the road, sometimes even more so than to others. Their death rate from the same types of accidents that other drivers have is higher. The chances of being killed when in a car accident significantly rise after the age of 70. A report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) says that older drivers particularly have trouble at intersections because of the need for quick decision making and an accurate judgment of speed and distance.
Mental complications like dementia, Alzheimer’s and cognitive impairment cause serious difficulty for elderly drivers. Dementia causes the brain’s visual processing centers to be disrupted. Cognitive impairment happens to many people as they age and it has a detrimental effect on driving skills. It effects the short-term memory, judgment, attention and problem solving skills. Neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s are irreversible and has a serious effect on short term memory.
Many states have government programs in place for elderly drivers that can aid them in finding ways of transportation and help them get used to living without driving. They also aid elderly drivers in taking care of their eyesight and hearing driving related issues. Several governmental reports have also been issued that suggest various programs to implement that could help elderly drivers like larger road signs with more advanced notice of exits and intersections.
FREE CONSULTATION: Call Sacramento car accident attorney Moseley Collins at (916) 444-4444If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto accident you will need an attorney with experience. Call Moseley Collins at (916) 444-4444 for FREE auto accident case consultation. Moseley is a personal injury lawyer serving those badly hurt throughout California.
There is absolutely no fee to discuss your case and there is absolutely no fee unless we win and get you the money you are entitled to. We are on your side and know what to do to get you compensation and justice.
Moseley Collins Law
980 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 444-4444