Truck Accident Lawyer in French Valley, CA

If you or someone you love has been catastrophically injured or killed in a devastating truck crash around French Valley or elsewhere in Riverside County, the truck accident lawyers at Moseley Collins Law have over 40 years of experience helping victims and families. As one of the top-rated personal injury law firms winning countless multi-million dollar injury results and settlements - including vehicle accident case compensation in millions - we possess the resources to stand up aggressively against massive trucking and insurance companies on your behalf.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Given huge size discrepancies, when massive semi-trucks or 18-wheelers are involved in highway collisions, horrific devastation often ensues for average passenger vehicle occupants. Truck accidents frequently inflict severe injuries or tragic deaths because of the sheer force created by 65,000+ pound big rigs barreling down roads at high speeds. As experienced truck accident lawyers, Moseley Collins Law commonly identifies these recurring factors leading to preventable truck crashes.

Truck Accident Lawyer in French Valley, CA Distracted Truck Driving

Modern technology provides no shortage of hazardous distractions for semi-truck operators spending long hours traveling lonely highways. Truckers texting, emailing, programming navigation devices, using phones and engaging in other forms of distracted driving severely diminishes attention paid to surrounding traffic. This divided focus frequently leads to catastrophic rear-end crashes and run-offs-the-road hitting guard rails or rolling over.

Fatigued & Impaired Driving

Ignoring Hours of Service limits regulating commercial driver time on roadways without mandated lengthy rest periods leaves truckers physically and mentally exhausted yet still operating these massive vehicles in fatigued condition. Mixing prescription drugs, illicit substances or alcohol with long-haul trips further impairs reactions and decision-making abilities. These fatigued, drowsy and intoxicated big rig drivers regularly cause truck accidents through inattention, delayed response reflexes or even falling asleep completely behind the wheel.

Aggressive Maneuvers & Speeding

When operating on overly ambitious delivery deadlines set by trucking companies, drivers often feel immense pressure to reach destinations quicker by flouting speed limits excessively or making reckless lane changes and turns cutting off passenger vehicles with little space. Illegal U-turns, unsafe merging and steep downhill travel also overwhelm braking capacities of fully loaded tractor-trailers, culminating in horrific collisions. Determining preventable behaviors causing truck crashes is how our lawyers prove negligence against drivers and trucking firms alike.

Poor Truck Maintenance

Lacking routine inspection and inadequate repair upkeep of fleet trucks by shipping companies also precipitates accidents when critical vehicle components like brakes, tires and steering give out during operation. Failing to properly balance cargo weight distribution or address prior mechanical deficiencies noted in mandatory driver vehicle logs also indicates negligence when these maintenance oversights result directly in catastrophic truck crashes leaving victims permanently disabled or grieving the unjust deaths of family members.

By exploring every unique circumstance that results in a truck collision causing clients harm, Moseley Collins Law builds the strongest injury cases rooted in identifiable negligence against both commercial drivers and trucking companies liable. Contact our experienced lawyers online or call 800-426-5546 for a free consultation examining the preventable causes of your specific California truck accident today.

The Extreme Dangers Truck Crashes Pose in French Valley

Given speeds traveled by loaded 18-wheelers and other commercial trucks barreling along area interstates and highways surrounding French Valley near Murrieta and Temecula, accidents inflict traumatic damage. Trucking operators driving negligently through Southwest Riverside County responsible for recent collisions cover:

  • FedEx
  • Old Dominion Freight Line
  • Western Express

Common catastrophic truck crash-related injuries include:

  • Spinal cord trauma – paralysis, quadriplegia
  • Traumatic brain injuries causing severe cognitive deficits
  • Amputated or severely broken limbs
  • Massive internal bleeding and organ failure
  • Severe burn injuries
Why Moseley Collins Law? Trusted Aggressive Advocates by Your Side

With a consistent track record of 7 and 8-figure results and settlements maximizing injury compensation for clients harmed by preventable truck crashes over 40+ years, the lawyers at Moseley Collins Law will relentlessly pursue fair financial damages for suffering vehicle accident victims.

Key French Valley Police Agencies Responding to Truck Crashes

In the chaotic aftermath of catastrophic French Valley truck collisions, immediately pull over and report the incident to local authorities and emergency responders across agencies like:

Truck Accident Lawyer in French Valley, CA Why Moseley Collins Law Fights So Tirelessly for Truck Accident Victims in French Valley and Beyond

Our decades of experience in vehicle accident and personal injury law gives us a distinct perspective in handling even the most complex cases pursuing maximum damages against negligent parties. When families are left with mounting medical bills, lost income streams and household contributions from loved ones senselessly killed by the preventable actions of reckless truckers and the companies that employ them, we take such injustice personally. With compassion and legal tenacity, our lawyers are dedicated to helping restore quality of life and securing financial means to move forward.

Key Highways & Roads We Handle French Valley Truck Accidents Along

As a premier accident law firm assisting injured victims for over 40 years and counting, Moseley Collins Law supports those harmed in collisions across every major trucking route surrounding French Valley/Murrieta, including:

  • Interstate 15 and 215
  • State Routes 79, 371, 74
  • Countryside Marketplace Dr and Whitewood Rd
Damages Available in Truck Accident Cases

When semi-trucks and commercial motor vehicles are involved in devastating highway collisions due to preventable negligence, injured victims have legal rights to pursue extensive financial compensation covering all crash impacts. By proving liability and fully documenting collision harms, accomplished truck accident lawyers secure damages from multiple sources.

Medical Expenses

All medically necessary healthcare services tied to a truck accident-related injury are reimbursable damages. This includes ambulance transport, ER treatment, hospitalization, surgeries, medications, devices, home health assistance, physical rehabilitation and more. Both past medical bills already paid and considerable future medical costs expected throughout a survivor’s lifespan will be claimed.

Lost Income

Any wages lost stemming from being unable to work while recovering - as well as loss of future earning capacity - are damages we seek. Vocational experts can calculate reduced earning potential based upon permanent disabilities that diminish an injured victim’s capacity to remain employed long-term in the same field and earning level but for the subject crash.

Property Losses

Reimbursements for automobiles or other personal property destroyed or damaged by negligent truck drivers are recoverable based on repair estimates, market valuations and applicable insurance coverage amounts. Rental cars and loss of vehicle use are also valid property loss claims.

Pain and Suffering

There are few injuries more traumatizing than those inflicted due to tractor trailer trucks’ massive size, weight and accident impact forces. By factoring in precise crash details and medical evidence, settlement precedent guides valuation of “general damages” like emotional distress and physical pain to reach reasonable compensation amounts agreeable to both sides.

Wrongful Death Damages

Where negligence wrongfully takes the life of a beloved family member -- causing tremendous grief and suffering for survivors -- we pursue wrongful death settlements including funeral costs, loss of companionship and household services claims. Special calculators even quantify emotional distress and loss of nurturing parental guidance.

Schedule a free consultation with an experienced Moseley Collins Law truck accident team to discuss the full scope of potential damage claims available to secure you maximum compensation for all physical, emotional and financial losses negligent truckers and companies have caused by violating critical state and federal transportation safety regulations. Call 800-426-5546 now.

Truck Accident Lawyer in French Valley, CA Frequently Asked Questions
How Long Do Truck Injury Legal Cases Usually Take?

On average, 18-24 months but complex catastrophic claim timelines vary. Our resources aid quicker resolution.

What Are Common Truck Driver Errors Causing Crashes?

Speeding, distraction, ignoring weather/road hazards, fatigued driving, poorly maintained equipment and more. All can indicate preventable negligence.

Is Financial Compensation Available if I Was Partially at Fault?

Yes - California is a “comparative negligence” state allowing injury victims to still recover lowered damages based on assessment of proportional responsibility percentages attributed to all collision parties.

Who Pays My Medical Bills and Lost Income After a Crash?

Multiple liability policies often apply – the driver, trucking company, your UIM coverage, and more. We identify all avenues for maximum compensation.

How Much Can My Accident Claim Be Worth?

Every case value is unique based on specific evidence and damages. With millions recovered for past clients, our lawyers maximize truck crash settlements/awards.

Moseley Collins Law encourages French Valley truck accident victims needing quality legal representation to call 800-426-5546 now for risk-free consultations about protecting your rights and taking legal action immediately. Our prosperity is directly tied to achieving yours.

Client Reviews
"When I was injured I felt truly hopeless. I didn't know where to turn when I was released from the hospital. Luckily, I remembered your phone number and I called you. You won a nice settlement for me. Thank you!" Charles T.
"May God bless you always, Moseley and your wonderful staff. You all were there for us when we needed it most. We are forever grateful." Tina N.
"Everyone at the law firm was helpful, considerate and courteous. I would highly recommend Moseley Collins. Thank you so much." Robyn D.