Truck Accident Lawyer in Morgan Hill, CA

The devastation left behind when a commercial truck crashes into a standard passenger vehicle often leads to catastrophic, life-changing harm. As you or a loved one cope with crushing injuries, steep medical bills, and disrupted livelihoods after a truck collision, having an experienced lawyer in your corner levels the playing field.

For over 40 years, the truck accident lawyers at Moseley Collins Law have fought for maximum compensation for clients who suffered severe injuries and trauma from negligent truck drivers and companies. Our track record includes recovering millions for clients, including 8-figure settlements in wrongful death claims and cases involving spinal damage, amputations, brain injuries, and other extensive harm after commercial trucking crashes.

If you or a loved one recently endured injuries in an accident involving a semi-truck, 18-wheeler, commercial delivery truck, big rig, or other commercial vehicle in the Morgan Hill area, contact our top-rated personal injury law firm now for dedicated legal support. Call (800) 426-5546 now for a free consultation on pursuing the financial recovery you deserve.

Common Causes of Truck Collisions in Morgan Hill

While passenger vehicles cause most California traffic accidents, crashes involving commercial trucks lead to considerably higher rates of severe injuries and deaths due to their massive size and weight. In the Morgan Hill area, truck collisions frequently result from:

Truck Accident Lawyer in Morgan Hill, CA Trucker Negligence & Errors
  • Distracted driving: Eating, texting, talking while driving large trucks substantially slows reaction times and decision making
  • Drowsy driving: Driver fatigue is a major problem in the trucking industry that companies improperly manage to meet unrealistic delivery windows
  • Speeding and reckless maneuvering: Lack of experience navigating smaller congested roads increases risks
  • Failure to check blind spots: Truck size makes visibility around vehicles extremely difficult
Unsafe Commercial Trucking Practices
  • Inadequate driver training: Minimal instruction before granting solo driving routes fails to bolster hazard perception
  • Trucking company negligence: Prioritizing profits over established driver safety protocols jeopardizes public travelers
  • Overloaded cargo issues: Excess haul weight impacts braking ability, decreases stability
  • Improper truck maintenance: Failure to adequately service vehicles, replace worn parts prompts catastrophic failures

By investigating how destructive corporate cultures and systemic safety lapses contribute to horrific truck crashes, our lawyers build forceful legal cases pinpointing accountability while helping improve industry practices.

Common Truck Accident Injuries Our Lawyers See

Due to their mammoth size and capacity to rapidly accelerate, commercial trucks transferring major force in collisions typically inflict serious, permanently disabling personal injuries, including:

  • Spinal cord damage: Fractures, paralysis after blunt force trauma
  • Traumatic brain injuries: Concussions, bleeding, swelling tearing tissue
  • Amputations: Crush injuries mangle limbs necessitating partial or full amputation
  • Internal organ damage: Internal bleeding from lacerations damages lungs, liver, kidneys
  • Burn injuries: Fires resulting from spilled hazardous materials
  • Wrongful death: Catastrophic damage takes fatal toll

Survivors require extensive, expensive emergency and long-term medical treatment while battling reduced mobility, chronic pain and mental health trauma. But big rig insurance companies quickly deploy aggressive legal teams aiming to deny adequate compensation for harms inflicted. Having accomplished Morgan Hill truck accident lawyers in your corner levels the playing field.

Morgan Hill Major Routes Prone to Truck Crashes

With ready access to US-101 connecting vast Northern and Southern California markets, Morgan Hill serves as a popular pit stop for long-haul big rigs. The region also relies on commercial trucks supplying local agriculture and industry. Hazardous high-traffic arteries with frequent truck collisions include:

  • US-101 Highway
  • Tennant Avenue (Route 152)
  • Monterey Road (Route 129)
  • San Pedro Avenue
  • Butterfield Boulevard
  • Watsonville Road
  • Cochrane Road
  • Half Road

No matter what major highway, thoroughfare or local road witnessed your devastating Morgan Hill truck crash, our lawyers bring to bear our substantial expertise in handling vehicle wreck claims in communities statewide.

Police Stations Serving the Morgan Hill Area

Dedicated to community safety through diligent traffic enforcement and emergency response.

State agency monitoring CA highways, commercial vehicles and enforcing traffic safety laws.

Skilled review of official police reports helps demonstrate unlawful actions or oversights provoking truck collisions.

Truck Accident Lawyer in Morgan Hill, CA Cities & Towns Near Morgan Hill We Serve

Beyond just Morgan Hill proper, Moseley Collins Law helps truck accident injury victims throughout Santa Clara County and adjacent Central Coast regions, including:

  • Gilroy
  • San Martin
  • Coyote
  • San Jose
  • Hollister
  • Salinas
  • Watsonville

Regardless which local community you reside in, our lawyers offer fierce legal advocacy helping innocent motorists and families pursue rightful financial damages after catastrophic truck crashes.

Why Moseley Collins Law for Your Truck Injury Claim?

The seasoned truck accident lawyers at Moseley Collins Law conduct thorough independent investigations of truck crashes documenting all factors causing or contributing to the incident. We build strong injury claims pinpointing every party responsible for the collision and your losses such as:

  • Truck driver errors including distraction, impairment, speeding, recklessness, or negligence
  • Trucking company failures around safety training, vehicle maintenance, overloading cargo, unrealistic delivery routes and schedules, insufficient driver oversight and more
  • Automaker product defects involving faulty tires, brakes, steering or stability control systems
  • Environmental conditions like poorly designed roads, lack of appropriate signage, traffic control or lighting issues, sightline obstructions
  • External factors such as weather hazards diminishing vehicle control

Our focused legal team consults closely with accident reconstruction experts, transportation analysts, medical specialists, vocational expert witnesses, and other professionals to demonstrate precisely how the truck driver, trucking business, parts manufacturers and more contributed to the catastrophic crash and injuries you suffered. Powerful crash analysis, evidence gathering, client dedication and litigation skills give victims and families the greatest chance at favorable claim outcomes.

Why Choose Us for Your Northern California Truck Injury Claim?

Victims suffering catastrophic harm in truck crashes caused by human errors and corporate negligence deserve accountability. Moseley Collins Law holds drivers and trucking companies fully responsible for endangerment, negligence and wrongdoing by:

  • Conducting exhaustive independent crash inquiries demonstrating all the ways preventable actions led directly to the collision
  • Securing and scrutinizing evidence like police reports, black box recorder data, driver communication records, vehicle inspection details, company manuals and policies through subpoenas and discovery requests
  • Consulting respected medical, accident reconstruction, biomechanical, vocational and other experts to validate injuries sustained and detail compelling liability arguments tying trucker and employer behaviors to the damages inflicted
  • Meeting strict filing deadlines for injury claims and lawsuits prerequisite to pursuing fair financial compensation through settlements or results
  • Settling through relentless negotiations when truckers and insurance companies agree to adequate compensation or taking cases to court when reasonable offers get rejected

Let our acclaimed truck accident law firm put our proven experience and peerless record of results to work for you. We have the tenacity and resources to challenge even the most formidable insurers for maximum reimbursement of all crash-related losses.

Helping Injured Victims & Families Rebuild Lives

At Moseley Collins Law, our entire team feels deeply for the painful devastation inflicted from truck and motor vehicle accidents. Beyond just extracting maximum monetary compensation from insurers, our lawyers connect victims to a support network of case managers and specialists assisting with every facet of healing and recovery. We collaborate closely with physicians, ensuring proper care while working diligently in parallel with the legal process toward settlement or result. We also refer survivors needing assistance to community resources and financial support groups helping provide for families struggling with lost income and overwhelming distress in the tragedy aftermath.

Let our compassionate yet aggressive California truck accident lawyers help you obtain accountability and adequate support to recover from catastrophic injuries. Contact us today for a free case review exploring your options.

Truck Accident Lawyer in Morgan Hill, CA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What Compensation Is Available After a Truck Crash Injury?

Financial recovery from truck accident settlements and results accounts for all collision-related losses like:

  • Medical bills from initial hospitalization through long-term care
  • Rehabilitation services, physical therapy
  • Prescription medications, assistive devices
  • Lost income from missing work
  • Reduced earning capacity due to permanent disability / disfigurement
  • Pain and suffering damages

Just compensation allows focusing energy on recovery not financial hurdles.

What Evidence Supports My Northern California Truck Accident Claim?

Critical liability documentation our lawyers pursue includes:

  • Police crash reports assigning fault
  • Black box recorder data detailing speed, braking
  • Cell phone records indicating distracted driving
  • Vehicle inspection records
  • Driver communication logs
  • Company policy manuals
  • Federal compliance violations
  • Witness statements
  • Medical reports validating harm suffered
How Long Do I Have to File a Truck Accident Lawsuit in California?

The statute of limitations for each individual case will vary and may be enlarged depending upon the facts and circumstances of each case. Thus, you are encouraged to contact one of our attorneys as soon as possible.

Let Moseley Collins Law help you obtain full financial damages and the resources critical for maximum recovery after a catastrophic truck crash injury. Call today to explore your options with an accomplished truck accident lawyer.

Client Reviews
"When I was injured I felt truly hopeless. I didn't know where to turn when I was released from the hospital. Luckily, I remembered your phone number and I called you. You won a nice settlement for me. Thank you!" Charles T.
"May God bless you always, Moseley and your wonderful staff. You all were there for us when we needed it most. We are forever grateful." Tina N.
"Everyone at the law firm was helpful, considerate and courteous. I would highly recommend Moseley Collins. Thank you so much." Robyn D.