Truck Accident Lawyer in Mountain View City, CA

The call comes suddenly about a loved one being injured or worse in a roadway collision with a large commercial rig in Mountain View City. Shock and panic set in as you race to the hospital praying for the best. But when the stark reality of catastrophic, life-changing injuries become clear, so too does the legal complexity surrounding recouping damages from powerful trucking insurance agencies.

That’s why Moseley Collins Law exists. For over 40 years, our prominent law firm has battled heavyweight transportation corporations and insurers - winning millions for clients facing crushing medical bills after wrecks caused by the likes of FedEx, UPS, Amazon, Sysco, Old Dominion and other industry titans.

While money can never restore loss of limb or dear life, holding negligent truckers and trucking outfits fully liable sends a loud message that safety shortcuts endangering Silicon Valley Road users will never be tolerated. If your loved one’s devastating injuries occurred anywhere in Mountain View City, Palo Alto, Sunnyvale or neighboring Bay Area cities, please call 800-426-5546 now for candid legal advice from a caring team including accessible lawyers available 24/7 to protect victims’ best interests first and foremost.

Truck Accident Lawyer in Mountain View, CA

Why Large Trucks Are High-Risk Accident Threats in Mountain View, CA

When multi-ton tractor trailers, construction haulers, fuel tankers and other jumbo trucks are mismanaged by drivers or companies cutting corners, other motorists and pedestrians pay the price along Silicon Valley byways and I-280 daily. Consider a few reasons why:

Sheer Size Difference - An 80,000 pound, 75 foot long big rig is no match against compact sedans weighing under 3000 pounds. The force of impact can be catastrophic.

Limited Driver Vision - Unlike cars, semi truck cabs sit much higher with over 10 foot blind spots around their perimeter. Seeing smaller vehicles is challenging.

Slower Stopping Abilities - Fully loaded 18-wheelers require 40% further stopping distance doing 65 MPH than regular vehicles. Rear endings occur often.

Complex Maneuvering - Navigating narrow lanes or backing into tight spaces takes immense skill large trucks don’t have. Costly errors happen routinely.

When truckers misjudge speed, turning space needs or stop times required, horrific chain reaction crashes with passenger victims ensue. Don’t become another grim Bay Area trucking casualty statistic. Consult Moseley Collins Law straight away. Our truck lawyers offer urgent support and advice for free anytime.

Police Stations Serving Mountain View City, CA Where Truck Accidents Get Reported

After suffering catastrophic injuries from negligent commercial truck operators around Silicon Valley highways, documenting the crash thoroughly with authorities is critical for legal reasons later.

Here are 3 police and highway patrol stations responding to serious semi, dump truck and other large rig road incidents regionally:

Mountain View Police Department
1000 Villa St, Mountain View, CA 94041
Tel: (650) 903-6395

California Highway Patrol - Redwood City Division
850 Bryant St, Redwood City, CA 94063 Tel: (650) 369-6261

Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office
55 W Younger Ave, San Jose, CA 95110 Tel: (408) 808-4400

Be certain to obtain police reports itemizing root causes and party liabilities from the appropriate station depending on where the wreck transpired. This evidence can prove wrongdoing later during settlement negotiations or courtroom litigation if insurers balk at paying victims fair financial compensation.

Truck Accident Lawyer in Mountain View, CA

Alarming Truck Crash Injury Statistics Nationally and in California

Don’t underestimate the dangers large commercial trucks pose on highways and local roads. Federal data proves heavyweight rigs take a disproportionate toll on motorists annually. Some sobering facts include:

  • 4,120 fatalities in the U.S. involved large trucks during 2023 or ~11 daily
  • 114,000 additional truck wreck injuries occur each year per American Trucking Association estimates

Analyzing only the state of California specifically:

  • 500+ deaths happen in truck related crashes annually
  • 3,000 suffer incapacitating injuries from CA truck incidents yearly

Equally troubling, over 1/3 of commercial truck drivers admit feeling pressed by their employers or shipping brokers to break safety laws governing work hours, vehicle maintenance priorities and more. When corporations put profits over public users sharing the roads, horrific collisions rise accordingly.

But grieving families find hope for accountability and change partnering with Moseley Collins Law. Over four decades, our stellar lawyers have fought back valiantly against unscrupulous carriers like J.B. Hunt, C.R. England and Schneider National to affect safer reforms through courtroom punishment. Contact us if you lost a loved one. We can discuss California wrongful death auto claims and laws with you directly anytime.

Why Moseley Collins Law for Your Santa Clara Truck Injury Case?

Choosing the right legal partner to pursue maximum compensation after truck crashes need extensive expertise and resources to successful litigate against billion-dollar defendants. What separates our firm from others?

1. Laser Focus on Trucking Cases With Proven Big Rig Settlement Results

Lawyers and investigators at Moseley Collins Law handle trucking-related claims in the SF Bay region as well as Central Valley, Sacramento and even Southern California.

2. We Go the Extra Mile Communicating With and Supporting Every Client

Each truck crash victim we represent gets a dedicated contact person for urgent queries. And lawyers closely manage cases, never random staff. We return calls within hours not days. And update clients regularly as investigations and negotiations proceed.

3. No Legal Fees at All Until You Win Monetary Damages

We advance all case costs 100% on a contingency basis. We only collect if your truck accident claim prevails. And fees are reasonable at 25% to 40% of gross awards secured only - nothing upfront. Your financial security comes first as the stress of recovery already weighs heavy.

If you want tenacious but caring counsel fighting for your rights after an 18-wheeler turned your world upside down, choose California’s most respected truck injury law authority - Moseley Collins Law.

Truck Accident Lawyer in Mountain View, CA

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What Types of Compensation Can I Claim After a Truck Crash Injury?

Damages fall into two buckets essentially - economic and non-economic awards. The first covers medical bills past/future, lost work wages and loss of future income power, insurance copays and property destruction among other money damages. The latter accounts for harder to quantify but equally valid compensation for physical pain/mental suffering and reduced enjoyment of life after disfigurement or disability caused by reckless truckers.

Can I Pursue a Case if I Hold Some Accident Fault for Traffic Violations?

Potentially yes. California follows pure comparative negligence rules. So even individuals with partial responsibility for causing collisions can still sue at-fault truckers/trucking companies to collect reduced injury claim payments after judge/jury allocates percentage fault to each motorist. Though totally to blame drivers cannot collect anything. Discuss your crash specifics with us to learn more during a free consultation.

What Key Steps Should I Take After Getting Hit by a Semi or Large Truck?

First always get urgent medical help even if you feel unhurt as effects of trauma can manifest later. Call police so an official accident report gets created. Take photos of vehicle damage, skid marks, debris etc. showing evidence. Never admit fault. Get witness names/contact info. Finally call a truck accident law firm like Moseley Collins Law where seasoned Bay Area lawyers can start building your legal case ASAP against carriers with extensive resources to downplay their role. Time is truly of the essence to win these claims.

How Much Money Is Involved in Mountain View City Area Truck Crash Cases Typically?

Every injured claimant’s situation is different. However, settlements or results from 7 figures to high 8 figures have been won previously for particularly catastrophic truck crashes around Silicon Valley when irreversible spinal cord injuries, amputation or wrongful death occurred and firm proof of negligence by drivers and carriers was established by lawyers. Financial recovery matters but safety precedent to curb operational misdeeds counts more.

Do I Really Need to Hire a Lawyer to Engage With Insurance Carriers After My Catastrophic Truck Accident Injuries?

Technically no - but strong legal advocates with trucking litigation backgrounds like ours drastically improve the chances of securing maximum financial damages by A) Accurately valuing all lifetime medical + rehab costs B) Proving negligence against liable parties through exhaustive technical investigation of equipment defects, maintenance shoddiness and driver breaches etc. and lastly C) Legally compelling resistant insurers to pay victims what local state/federal statutes mandate once settlement talks reach an impasse after months or even years of fruitless back and forth exchanges. Don’t jeopardize rightful compensation. Working jointly with a lawyer levels the playing field.

Client Reviews
"When I was injured I felt truly hopeless. I didn't know where to turn when I was released from the hospital. Luckily, I remembered your phone number and I called you. You won a nice settlement for me. Thank you!" Charles T.
"May God bless you always, Moseley and your wonderful staff. You all were there for us when we needed it most. We are forever grateful." Tina N.
"Everyone at the law firm was helpful, considerate and courteous. I would highly recommend Moseley Collins. Thank you so much." Robyn D.